
Configure/Migrate to Mac with M1 processor for a Javascript Developer


Install brew

Installing brew is easy. Directly go to the website and download it.

Brew Homepage

Im my case as on Sep 2021, it gave this code to run in terminal

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Check it by installing wget as well. ```powershell brew install wget ```

### Install Oh-My-Zsh (Cool UI for terminal/iTerm)

Oh-My-Zsh Homepage

Install it by executing command

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Choose themes and plugins from the homepage given above.
**My Personal Oh My-Zsh Settings**

For theme, add/modify this in ~/.zshrc


For plugins, add/modify this in ~/.zshrc

plugins=(docker docker-compose git git-auto-fetch git-escape-magic git-extras gitfast git-flow git-flow-avh github git-hubflow gitignore git-lfs git-prompt gulp node npm npx python pip sudo yarn )

### Install Mysql-client


  1. brew installed

Install it with the command on terminal

brew install mysql-client

Then to add mysql-client to the PATH, see it's installed location. In my case it was installed under **/opt/homebrew/Cellar/mysql-client/** with the version **8.0.26**. Locate the folder, and add it to your PATH

Add to ~/.zshrc

export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/homebrew/Cellar/mysql-client/8.0.26/bin:$PATH

### Install Docker Docker is needed to run the projects in my current project.
Download docker from their website > [Docker for Apple Silicon (M1)](

After docker is installed, modify it’s resource limit to run more as per projects requirements.

  • Open docker widget from the task-bar. Select “preferences”.
  • Go to “Resources” tab.
  • Modify your hardware allocation as per your requirement.

My settings as a moderate docker user for local development are

> CPU: 4;
> Memory: 8GB; 
> Swap: 2GB; 
> Disk: 60GB